Official Teaser
First official teaser of the film, which had been broadcasted for the very first time as a part of the European Researcher's Night on November 27th 2020 in Sofia.

The film documentary 'The Secret Arts' presents one possible avenue of basic research into the phenomenon of magic and associated magical worldviews. It provides an exciting insight into certain magical practices as well as ideas and attempts to locate their place in the everyday life of various local cultures.
As artists with a cultural-scientific-philosophical background, we therefore make use of stylistic means that borrow from both immersive aesthetics and sober observation. The film thus represents an experimental attempt in the field of audio-visual ethnography and approaches the subject from four different perspectives, which as central systems of order allow the narrative to emerge from within itself: Everyday Life, Art, Science and Faith. Therefore, the personal approach of the so-called protagonists as well as their social reality can be animistic, shamanistic, cultic, but also artistic, or even scientifically based. We aim to illustrate a wide range of different understandings in dealing with magic and strive to illuminate the phenomenon both from the internal perspective of magical practitioners as well as from the outside.
In search of impressions, analogies and interfaces, the film deals with the complexity and uniqueness of the phenomenon of magic, whose linguistic history and cultural manifestations know innumerable connotations. The importance of this phenomenon as a folk practice in certain regions, as well as its undisputed role in some religions and beliefs still today, seem to give it a captivating, albeit contradictory character, often associated with stigmatized areas and ominous practices.
Using selected examples, we set out to confront viewers with their emotional and ethical sense of the world: Is it possible to make a value-free judgment about the nature of such marginalized practices by means of speculations and subjective imaginings? What is the likelihood that such a judgment lies outside the bounds of our own experiential horizons? And finally: what do we understand by magic and how is this knowledge dealt with?

Press release Ger/en
In the Media section you can download the press release about 'The Secret Arts'.
Collection Video LINKS
Teaser 1: Vimeo Link
Unofficial Teaser: Vimeo Link
Teaser 3: Vimeo Link
Mini Teaser - Code of Secrecy: Vimeo Link

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